How do I go about arranging a Christening or Baptism at All Saints Church?

Both a Christening and a Baptism are the same thing.
We are pleased to baptise younger children and babies on the basis of the parent's and godparent's faith and their promises to bring up the child within the family of the Church. Adults and children who are of school age will all be helped to make their baptism an expression of their faith.
We hold special baptism services just for families and friends on the 1st & 2nd Sunday of the month. They will be at 2.30pm.
Our baptism service is very family friendly and we aim to be inclusive and welcoming to all your guests.
If you wish to book a baptism, please come along to one of our services and mention to those who welcome you that you are interested in a baptism and they will direct you to speak to the minister.
Members of our baptism preparation team will meet with you to talk about this special day, and you will be asked to attend a baptism preparation session at church.
We will discuss everything with you before you arrange your date so you can prepare for this special occasion. In the meantime, please have a look at the Church of England Christenings website which has a lot of helpful information for those thinking about, or preparing for, a Baptism or Christening.