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Children's Activity Sheets
Messy Church at Home
Please click on the Titles below to download an
easy craft activity sheet for primary aged children, or see at the bottom of the page for a wealth of Messy Church at Home activities:
Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead - make a dramatic story scene.
Palm Sunday - craft Jesus riding on a donkey with palms to wave.
Easter Sunday - create an Easter Card to send to family or friends.
Easter Egg Tree - make an Easter themed decoration
"An Easter Surprise" - double page activity sheet
"Doubting Thomas" - create a poster about faith
"The Road to Emmaus" page 1  / "The Road to Emmaus" page 2
Download both pages to make an optical illusion sheet and Walking with Jesus flip flops.
"Jesus-The Good Shepherd" page 1 / "Jesus-The Good Shepherd" page 2
Download both pages to make a cardboard roll shepherd (and for a colouring sheet).
Jesus said "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life" - create a colourful map to illustrate Jesus' words in John 14.
Pentecost - God's promise of His Holy Spirit - make a Thank You card (and colouring in sheet).
The Lord's Prayer - colour in and make your own Lord's Prayer booklet.
Pentecost - create a Flame Crown (to be like the disciples when the Holy Spirit danced on their heads on the Birthday of the Christian Church).
Make a 'Trinity Pyramid' to celebrate Father, Son and Holy Spirit - the three persons of God.
Create a Paper Fold Set of the 12 Apostles of Jesus
Make a poster to remind us of Jesus' words "Do not be afraid", and that we are in God's hands
Craft a mobile style decoration to remember the importance of Kindness, Welcome and Hospitality to each other.
Placecards and a Colouring Sheet to remind us that to enter God's Kingdom we should trust Him with childlike hearts
The Parable of the Sower - Read, Watch and Colour activities
The Parable of the Wheat and the Weeds - Read, Watch and Colour activities
Make a 'Treasure Chest of Heavenly Jewels' to remind us to store up treasures in Heaven
Messy Church at Home
Messy Church at Home August 2020 
Bible Beaches at Home
Kid's Art Supplies

All Saints Church
Chilvers Coton
Avenue Road
CV11 4NQ

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