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is our exciting, well resourced play group for carers and their children. 

We meet in the Parish Community Hall (off Coventry Road) every


Monday during term time, between 9.00am and 11.00am. 

Our large community hall gives the children lots of space to move about and enjoy the wide range of toys and activities on offer in a safe and supportive environment.  They love it, so if you are a parent, grandparent or childminder why not come and join us?

We provide a healthy snack part way through the morning, and often conclude our time together with singing simple songs and nursery rhymes. Every week we have more than “3 Little Monkeys Jumping On The Bed”, and lots of “Incy Wincy Spiders”!

There is no entry fee or cost for drinks and snacks and instead we operate a voluntary donation scheme.


Bring your little ones and join in the fun. 

Little Saints

All Saints Church
Chilvers Coton
Avenue Road
CV11 4NQ

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